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Onionspray ChangeLog

v1.6.0 - unreleased

Breaking changes

EOTK forked and renamed to Onionspray

Onionspray project starts as a fork of the Enterprise Onion Toolkit (EOTK). Details of the forking and renaming process can be found in these tickets:

Compatibility with EOTK is kept: configuration, keys and certificates can be easily migrated from EOTK, and the onionspray command it compatible with the eotk script (which is kept as an alias).

A migration procedure is available in this tutorial.

HTTPS support (from 2022-03 onwards)

There was a small breaking change in order to better-support HARICA as a certificate provider, but also for better usability; this change impacts any project with a multi-onion EV certificate from Digicert.

  • v3 onion addresses used in pathnames are now truncated at 20 chars of onion, rather than 30 overall, to make shorter pathnames for unix domain sockets
  • onion scratch-directory name changes:
    • was: projects/tweep.d/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyza-v3.d/port-80.sock
    • now: projects/tweep.d/abcdefghijklmnopqrst-v3.d/port-80.sock
    • this means that some scratch directories may be are remade, so a full restart is advisable after updating
  • https certificate path-name changes
    • was: HTTPS certificate files used the full onion address
    • now: onion HTTPS certificates are now expected to be installed in per-onion-truncated-at-20 pathnames: e.g. for each ONIONADDRESS in PROJECTNAME:
      • /projects/PROJECTNAME.d/ssl.d/ONIONADDRFIRST20CHAR-v3.onion.cert
      • /projects/PROJECTNAME.d/ssl.d/ONIONADDRFIRST20CHAR-v3.onion.pem
    • this means that you will need to rename pre-existing certificate cert and pem files after you update and reconfigure;
    • if you fail to do this you will experience "self-signed certificate" warnings
  • if you are using 'multi' certificates (such as some Digicert EV) where a single certificate contains all SubjectAltNames for 2+ onion addresses that are part of a single project:
    • do set ssl_cert_each_onion 0 in the configuration, to re-enable multi cert handling
    • the names of the certificate files must be changed:
      • was: filenames used to be projects/PROJECTNAME.d/ssl.d/PRIMARYONIONADDRESSWASHERE.{pem,cert}
      • now: multi-certificates now must be named with the more meaningful projects/PROJECTNAME.d/ssl.d/PROJECTNAME.{pem,cert}

If you have any issues, please reach out to @alecmuffett on Twitter, or log an issue above.

v1.5.0 - 2021-05-18

  • new features
  • eotk-site.conf
  • "global" configuration rules to prefix into every configuration
  • auto-created it if it does not exist
  • used it to solve NGINX installation on Ubuntu 18.04LTS
  • OnionBalance to be deprecated until overhauled by Tor
  • see notes in
  • Ubuntu 18.04LTS becomes mainline for Ubuntu
  • Ubuntu 16.04LTS becomes deprecated
  • Support for v3 Onion Addresses
  • use %NEW_V3_ONION% in template configs (.tconf) to autogenerate
  • see examples/wikipedia-v3.tconf for examples

v1.4.0 - 2019-06-27

  • new features
  • auto-generate (eotk make-scripts) wrapper scripts for:
    • installation into "init" startup
    • log rotation / housekeeping via installation into eotk-user cronjob (
  • stricter enforcement of onionification
    • by default will drop compressed, non-onionifiable content with error code 520
    • if this is a problem (why?) use set drop_unrewritable_content 0 to disable
  • validate worker onion addresses upon creation
  • eotk spotpush now permits pushing explicitly named scripts from $EOTK_HOME, as well as hunting in projects
  • set hard_mode 1 is now default and onionifies both AND foo\.com (regexp-style)
    • use set hard_mode 2 to further onionify foo\\.com and foo\\\.com at slight performance cost
  • set ssl_mkcert 1 to use mkcert by @FiloSottile for certificate generation, if you have installed it
  • refactor nonces used in rewriting preserved strings
  • improvements to set debug_trap pattern [...] logging
  • support for OpenResty LuaJIT in Raspbian build scripts
  • update code version for Raspbian builds scripts
  • tor HiddenServiceVersion nits
  • dead code removal
  • deprecate support for Raspbian Jessie

v1.3.0 - 2017-04-14

  • new features
  • "Runbook" has been moved to the documentation directory
  • tor2web has been blocked-by-default
    • since the reason for EOTK is to provide Clearnet websites with an Onion presence, Tor2web is not necessary
  • the FORCE_HTTPS feature has been added and made default
    • if your site is 100% HTTPS then you do not need to do anything,
    • however sites which require insecure HTTP may have to use set force_https 0 in configurations.

v1.2.0 - 2017-02-04?

  • new features:
  • optional blocks to methods other than GET/HEAD
  • optional 403/Forbidden blocks for accesses to certain Locations or Hosts, including as regexps
    • nb: all blocks/block-patterns are global and apply to all servers in a project
  • optional time-based caching of static content for N seconds, with selectable cache size (def: 16Mb)
  • new How To Install guide
  • custom install process for Ubuntu, tested on Ubuntu Server 16.04.2-LTS
  • renaming / factor-out of Raspbian install code
  • fixes to onionbalance support

v1.1.0 - 2017-04-04

  • first cut of onionbalance / softmap

v1.0.0 - 2017-02-12

  • have declared a stable alpha release
  • architecture images, at bottom of this page
  • all of CSP, HSTS and HPKP are suppressed by default; onion networking mitigates much of this
  • "tunables" documentation for template content
  • troubleshooting section near the bottom of this page
  • See project activity for information